Sadli Lecture

About the Sadli Lecture

The Institute of Economic and Social Research (LPEM) of the Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Indonesia holds an annual lecture series entitled “The Sadli Lecture Series in Economic Policy” in cooperation with ANU Indonesia Project.

The aim of the lecture series is to broaden understanding and stimulate debate among students, academics and policy makers of the key economic policy challenges faced by Indonesia, drawing on the experience of neighbouring countries.

It is named in honour of the late Professor Mohammad Sadli who was probably Indonesia’s most influential policy analyst on economic affairs over the past 40 years.

Each year it is based on a commissioned paper on Indonesia in comparative economic perspective, published each year in the August number of the Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies.

For information on and recordings of all our former Sadli Lectures, see our online archive.

Information about upcoming Sadli Lectures will be posted on our events page.

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About the late Professor Sadli

The late Professor Mohammad Sadli

The late Professor Dr Ir Mohammad Sadli was a senior economist who took an important role in Indonesian economic development, especially in the the New Order era. Sadli’s involvement in government began as a member of President Soeharto’s economic advisory team. During the New Order era, Mohammad Sadli was appointed as Minister of Labor in Cabinet Development I (1971-1973), Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Investment (PMA), and served as Minister of Mining in Cabinet Development II (1973-1978).

He was a well-known economist with a background in engineering science. Previously, Sadli was an expert in engineering. He earned bachelor degree in engineering from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta and his MSc degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Turning his interest to the field of economics, he continued his education at Harvard University, USA. After returning to Indonesia, he taught at Universitas Indonesia in 1953 and he also studied there. He received his PhD in Economics from Universitas Indonesia. Professor Sadli also received the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Indonesia Lifetime Achievement Award for Economist Profession.

After retiring from the government, he worked as an Adviser for Bapindo (1978), President Commissioner of PT. Aneka Tambang (1979), President Commissioner of PT. Indonesia Air Transport (1979), Member of the United Nation Committee on Development Planning (1984), and the Secretary General of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Indonesia (1982-1985). He was often consulted by the government and other private institutions to provide analysis on Indonesia’s economic development. In 1984, he was appointed as a member of the United Nation Development Planning Committee. He was also a prolific writer, he had written many articles on numerous newspapers and magazines such as Kompas, Sinar Harapan, and Tempo. Professor Dr Mohammad Sadli died at the age of 85 years in January 2008.

Summary of Sadli Lectures

The eighteenth Sadli Lecture was delivered on 8 May 2024 by Professor Kunal Sen from UNU-WIDER, Helsinki and Global Development Institute, University of Manchester, UK. His lecture was titled Broken ladders? labour market inequality in Indonesia and India. It was featured the welcoming remarks from Dr Firman Witoelar, keynote remarks from Dr Teguh Dartanto, discussion by Dr Maria Monica Wihardja (ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute) and Dr I Dewa Gede Karma Wisana (Lembaga Demografi FEB UI).

The seventeenth Sadli Lecture was delivered on 16 May 2023 by Professor Lisa Cameron from the University of Melbourne. Her lecture was titled Gender equality and development: Indonesia in a global context. It also featured welcoming remarks from Dr Teguh Dartanto, keynote remarks by Em. Prof. Mayling Oey-Gardiner, discussion by Dr Putu Geniki Lavinia Natif and Dr Asep Suryahadi and closing remarks from Dr Firman Witoelar.

The sixteenth Sadli Lecture was delivered on 19 May 2022 by Dr Cassey Lee from ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. His lecture was titled Competition policy in the age of algorithms: challenges for Indonesia. Dr Chandra Setiawan from the Indonesia Competition Commision/KPPU gave keynote remarks, whilst Dr Lili Yan Ing from the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, and Dr Chaikal Nuryakin LPEM FEB, Universitas Indonesia were the discussants.

The fifteenth Sadli Lecture was delivered on 29 April 2021 by Professor Keijiro Otsuka from Kobe University and Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo. His lecture was titled Strategies for strengthening Indonesian agriculture. The Indonesian Minister of Finance HE Sri Mulyani delivered the keynote address. Dr M. Dian Revindo from Universitas Indonesia was the discussant.

The fourteenth Sadli Lecture was delivered on 13 November 2020 in combination with the Muybarto Public Policy Forum. Professor Justin Yifu Lin from Peking University delivered a lecture titled Industrial policies to escape the middle-income trap: a new structural economics approach for Indonesia. Dr Kiki Verico from Universitas Indonesia and Dr Muhammad Edhie Purnawan Universitas Gadjah Mada were the discussants.

The thirteenth Sadli Lecture was delivered on 20 August 2019 by Professor Ben Olken from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His lecture was titled The challenges faced by the Indonesian Government in implementing the social protection programs for the poor. The event was opened by Professor Ari Kuncoro from Universitas Indonesia, whilst the keynote was delivered by Professor Mohamad Ikhsan from Vice President’s Office. Riatu Mariatul Qibthiyyah from Universitas Indonesia and Firman Witoelar from The Australian National University were the discussants.

The twelfth Sadli Lecture was delivered on 2 May 2018 by Professor Fukunari Kimura from Keio University and Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia. His lecture was titled Value chain connectivity in Indonesia: the evolution on unbundlings. The event was opened by Professor Ari Kuncoro from Universitas Indonesia, whilst the keynote address was given by the Chairman of Indonesia’s Investment Coordinating Board HE Thomas Trikasih Lembong. Dr T.M Zakir Machmud from Universitas Indonesia and Dr Yos Adiguna Ginting from Indonesia Services Dialogue Council and PT HM Sampoerna were the discussants.

The eleventh Sadli Lecture was delivered on 9 May 2017 by Dr Muhamad Chatib Basri from Universitas Indonesia. His lecture was titled A tale of two countries: India and Indonesia, a lesson learned from the 2013 Taper Tantrum. The lecture was opened by Professor Ari Kuncoro from Universitas Indonesia, whilst the Indonesian Minister of Finance HE Sri Mulyani Indrawati delivered the keynote remarks. Professor Mari Pangestu from Universitas Indonesia and Dr Reza Siregar from the IMF Institute for Capacity Development were the discussants.

The tenth Sadli Lecture was delivered on 12 April 2016 by Professor Mari Pangestu from Universitas Indonesia and Professor Christopher Findlay from the University of Adelaide. Their lecture was titled The services sector as a driver of change: Indonesia’s experience in the ASEAN context. Speakers included four current Indonesian cabinet ministers: Minister of Trade H.E. Thomas Lembong, Minister for Communication and Information Technology H.E. Rudiantara, Minister for Transportation H.E. Ignasius Jonan and Minister of Finance H.E. Bambang Brodjonegoro. Other speakers included Roberto Azevêdo, Director-General of the World Trade Organization, Professor Ari Kuncoro from Universitas Indonesia and Adam Schwarz from Group Advisors.

The ninth Sadli Lecture was delivered on 21 April 2015 by Professor Ross Garnaut AO from the University of Melbourne. His lecture was titled Indonesia’s resource boom in international perspective: dilemmas and options for sustained, equitable growth. Professor Iwan Jaya Azis gave the keynote remarks, whilst the discussants were Raden Pardede from CReco Consulting) and Dr Mubariq Ahmad from Universitas Indonesia.

The eighth Sadli Lecture was delivered on 22 April 2014 by Professor Peter McDonald from The Australian National University. His presentation was titled The demography of Indonesia in comparative perspective. Professor Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti from Universitas Indonesia and former Indonesian Ambassador to United States of America opened the lecture, followed by keynote remarks from the Indonesian Minister of Finance HE Dr M Chatib Basri. The discussants were Professor Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo from Universitas Indonesia and Associate Professor Budy P Resosudarmo from The Australian National University.

The seventh Sadli Lecture was delivered on 25 April 2013 by Professor Vikram Nehru from Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is lecture was titled Manufacturing in India and Indonesia: performance and policies. The discussants were Professor Ari Kuncoro from Universitas Indonesia and Dr Dionisius Ardiyanto from ERIA.

The sixth Sadli Lecture was delivered on 24 April 2011 by Professor Michael T Rock from Bryn Mawr College. His lecture was titled What can Indonesia learn from China’s industrial energy saving programs?. The event was opened by the Indonesian Minister for Tourism and the Creative Economy H. E. Dr Mari Elka Pangestu, followed by a keynote speech from Professor Emil Salim from Universitas Indonesia. Dr Thee Kian Wie from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences and Associate Professor Budy Resosudarmo from The Australian National University were the discussants.

The fifth Sadli Lecture was delivered on 14 April 2011 by Professor Fredrik Sjöholm from the Research Institute of Industrial Economics. His lecture was titled Foreign direct investment and growth in East and Southeast Asia: lessons for Indonesia. The discussants were Professor Prema-chandra Athukorala from The Australian National University and Dr Thee Kian Wie from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences.

The fourth Sadli Lecture was delivered on 15 April 2010 by Professor Wing Thye Woo from the University of California. His lecture was titled Indonesia’s economic performance in comparative perspective and a new policy framework for 2049. Dr Chatib Basri from Universitas Indonesia and Associate Professor Chris Manning from The Australian National University were the discussants.

The third Sadli Lecture was delivered on 6 May 2009 by Professor Ian Coxhead from the University of Wisconsin. His presentation was titled Prospect for skill-based export growth in a labour-abundant, resource-rich developing economy. The discussants were Dr Hadi Soesastro from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies and Professor Hal Hill from The Australian National University. The event was opened by the Indonesian Minister of Trade H.E. Mari Pangestu.

The second Sadli Lecture was delivered on 22 April 2008 by Professor Bert Hofman from The World Bank Resident Mission to the Philippines. His lecture was titled Asian development strategies: China and Indonesia compared. The event was opened by the Indonesian Minister of Trade H.E. Mari Pangestu. The discussant was Dr Thee Kian Wie from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).

The first Sadli Lecture was delivered by Professor Prema-chandra Athukorala from The Australian National University. His lecture is titled Is Indonesia falling behind? Post-crisis export performance in regional perspective.

Updated:  21 January 2025/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Services Team