How to Apply
About the grants
The grants are a joint initiative between ANU Indonesia Project and the SMERU Research Institute. The Research Grants aim to identify and develop emerging Indonesian researchers, stimulate and foster relationships between Indonesian and Australian institutions, and contribute to important and high-quality research projects led by emerging or early career Indonesian researchers. These grants are an investment in emerging Indonesian researchers, providing valuable professional experience in their research careers. The grants must align with the main research themes of the Indonesia Project: (i) trade and industry, (ii) politics and governance, (iii) agriculture, resources and the environment, (iv) climate change, (v) poverty and inequality, and (vi) gender equality, disability and social inclusion.
Topics of the proposals should fall into one of the ANU Indonesia Project research themes including:
• trade and industry
• politics and governance
• agriculture, resources and the environment
• climate change
• poverty and inequality
• gender equality, disability and social inclusion.
Gender equality and inclusion are considered key components of the Indonesia Project’s research and outreach activities. All applicants should consider research proposals that apply a gender and inclusivity lens or to consider problem statement with explicit identification of how the problem impacts men, women, or people with a disability and what the barriers are.
Applicant Eligibility
• The lead applicant must be an emerging Indonesian researcher based at an Indonesian institution
• The co-applicant may be an established researcher based at an Indonesian or Australian institution
• Other researchers may be researchers based at any institution in Indonesia, Australia or around the world.
Please note:
• The ANU Indonesia Project strongly encourages women, researchers with disability, and researchers from diverse backgrounds to apply for these grants.
• There is no requirement for your research team to include an Australian academic, Australian-based academic and or an Australian institution. However, submissions that include an Australian collaboration will be given priority.
• ANU Indonesia Project academic staff are not eligible to be included in a research proposal for the 2024-2025 grant round. This includes Professor Budy Resosudarmo, Associate Professor Firman Witoelar, Dr Xue Sarah Dong, Professor Blane Lewis and Dr Arianto Patunru.
• The ANU Indonesia Project considers an emerging researcher as a researcher with a maximum of 7 years academic or other research-related employment following completion of postgraduate research training.
Grant Evaluation Criteria
The ANU Indonesia Project will review all submissions and manage the selection of grants. Proposals will be assessed based on:
1. academic quality and research potential
2. alignment with the research topics (listed above)
3. policy relevance
4. feasibility (including timeline and budget)
5. prospects for long term collaboration between Indonesian and Australian institutes and potential to obtain additional funding
In 2024-2025, a minimum of one grant will be awarded to a research proposal with a GEDSI topic, and a minimum of one grant will be awarded to a research proposal with a climate change topic.
The research grants provide funding of up to AUD $10,000 for each project of up to 12 months in duration. Payments will be made in two tranches. Half the awarded value will be provided to the lead researcher at the commencement of the project. The other half will be provided to the lead researcher once a Research Report, a Financial Report and receipts have been presented.
The grants are intended to cover the cost of initiating new research activities. Funds may be used for items that support activities in the proposal, including:
• travel-related expenses (such as conducting fieldwork within Indonesia or travel by applicants to counterpart institutes in Australia/Indonesia)
• survey costs
• interviews
• workshops
• purchasing data or archival material
• language translation and interpreting services
• specialised software central to research activities
• specialised laboratory equipment central to research activities
• research assistance or technical support.
The grants cannot cover:
• salary costs of applicants
• professional membership or development fees
• institute’s overhead costs, capital works or infrastructure costs.
Reporting requirements
Successful applicants will need to provide a Research Report detailing the outcomes of their research as well as a Financial Report and corresponding receipts. Further information regarding these two reports will be provided to successful applicants. Successful applicants may also be invited to present the outcomes of their research at an ANU Indonesia Project seminar.
It is the responsibility of the Lead Applicant and Co-Applicant to ensure:
• the chosen topic for their research, and travel approval for their research is approved and supported by their home university.
• responsibility for all administrative arrangements associated with their activity, including visa and travel arrangements.
• responsibility for obtaining adequate insurance (if necessary), such as medical, public liability, travel and/or accident insurance for the duration of any travel for scheduled research fieldwork.
• Australian recipients intending to travel to Indonesia should seek information and advice from the Australian Government regarding travel to Indonesia.
Application Process
Each grant proposal must include the following documents for consideration:
1. ANU Indonesia Project Collaborative Research Grants Application Form 2024-2025. Please complete all sections of the Word template application form. Please note Section 3 should only include relevant publications of the applicant and research team. Section 4 Budget and budget justification may be a high-level summary of your proposed expenses, with a narrative justification. You are welcome to submit a separate Excel or other format budget, but it is not a requirement.
2. CV for each member of the research team.
Submission and Key Dates:
The ANU Indonesia Project will accept proposals using the application template available on the ANU Indonesia Project website. Proposals should specify research objectives, background, significance and innovative aspects, policy relevance, expected outcomes and deliverables, timeline and budget. Proposals should be submitted to
Key Date
Applications open: 8 July 2024
Deadline for submitting application: 15 August 2024
Application reviewed: 16 – 28 August 2024
Outcome announced: 15 September 2024
Indicative commencement date of projects: 15 September 2024
End date of projects: 30 June 2025
Due to an exceptionally high volume of applications, the selection committee plan to announce outcomes in mid-September. Thank you for your patience.
It is anticipated that the recipients of the Research Grant may be requested to participate in publicity of the grant from time to time. This may include publicity in the state or territory of residence. Recipients may be contacted for an interview and photograph. The ANU Indonesia Project may also publicise the grants by publishing the names of the recipients. Such arrangements will be made through the Indonesia Project administration. The recipient must acknowledge the receipt of the grant in their research output. Recipients may be invited to present their research findings in Indonesia Study Group (ISG) or Global Web Seminar series organised by ANU Indonesia Project.
For more information please contact:
Sarah Dong