Research Grants Recipients
- Putu Ayu Swandeni Astuti (Universitas Udayana) and I Nyoman Sutarsa (The Australian National University), research topic: Improving participation of housewives in creating smoke-free house in Bali Province, Indonesia.
- Tonny Dian Effendi (Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang) and Josh Stenberg (The University of Sydney), research topic: China’s cultural soft power in Indonesia and its approach to Chinese Indonesians.
- Udhi E Hernawan (Indonesian Institute of Sciences) and Kathryn McMahon (Edith Cowan University), research topic: Prioritising areas in Indonesia to conserve and enhance seagrass ecosystem functions under a changing climate.
- Yodi Mahendradhata (Universitas Gadjah Mada) and Kinley Wangdi (The Australian National University), research topic: Early warning system of dengue for Indonesia.
- Amalinda Savirani (Universitas Gadjah Mada) and Thomas Power (The University of Sydney), research topic: Conceptualising and measuring local democracy in Indonesia.
- Rukuh Setiadi (Universitas Diponegoro) and Joerg Baumeister (Griffith University), research topic: The attitude of Indonesian urban community toward living on the top of water.
- Slamet Thohari (Universitas Brawijaya) and Dina Afrianty (La Trobe University), research topic: The impact of Covid-19 on access and inclusion for people with disabilities in Indonesia’s higher education.
- Marthina Tjoa (Universitas Pattimura) and Ida Aju P Resosudarmo (The Australian National University), research topic: Tenurial rights, livelihoods, gender and environment in artisanal and small-scale mining: the gold rush of Mount Botak, Buru Island.
- Welem Turupadang (Universitas Nusa Cendana) and Alexandra Langford (The University of Queensland), research topic: Improving seaweed farmer resilience in Eastern Indonesia after Covid-19.
- Cut Warnaini (Universitas Mataram) and Paul Dugdale (The Australian National University), research topic: Health service resilience during pandemic: potential impact of Covid-19 on maternal health service access and service delivery in West Nusa Tenggara.
- Susilo Wibisono (Universitas Islam Indonesia) and Winnifred R Louis (The University of Queensland), research topic: Religiosity and social change: religious motives for involvement in community-based environmental action in Indonesia.
- Ario Wicaksono (Universitas Gadjah Mada) and Riyana Miranti (University of Canberra), research topic: Young citizen and social assistance program: their perception towards the effectiveness of Kartu Pra-kerja as an employment benefit to mitigate Covid-19 socio-economic impact.
- Dr Zainal Abidin Bagir (Universitas Gadjah Mada) and Dr Simon Butt (The University of Sydney). Research topic: Citizenship, indigenous religions and conservative Islam: the KTP case and its effects.
- Mr Ricky Gunawan (LBH Masyarakat) and Dr Jamie Walvisch (Monash University). Research topic: Assessing Indonesian guardianship laws: protecting the rights of people with mental illnesses.
- Dr I Gede Hendrawan (Universitas Udayana) and Professor Neil Loneragan (Murdoch University). Research topic: Microplastic pool: an evaluation of microplastic threats to fish resources in Benoa Bay, Bali.
- Professor Gino Limmon (Universitas Pattimura) and Professor Stephen D A Smith (Southern Cross University). Research topic: Mitigating the impacts of marine debris in a global hotspot.
- Dr Shita Listyadewi (Universitas Gadjah Mada) and Dr Ariane Utomo (The University of Melbourne). Research topic: Adoption of post partum family planning: knowledge, attitudes and practices of women in Central Java, Indonesia.
- Dr Saiful Mahdi (Universitas Syiah Kuala) and Professor Budy P Resosudarmo (ANU). Research topic: Long-term impact of large-scale natural disasters on children: a spatial regression discontinuity design approach to the Indian Ocean Tsunami event.
- Dr Laely Nurhidayah (Indonesian Institute of Science – LIPI) and Professor Shawkat Alam (Macquarie University). Research topic: Assessing traditional knowledge and science: their contribution on sustainable peatland management.
- Dr Devanto Shasta Pratomo (Universitas Brawijaya) and Adjunct Associate Professor Chris Manning (ANU). Research topic: The proliferation of formal sector jobs during the past decade in Indonesia.
- Mr Hizkia Respatiadi (Center for Indonesian Policy Studies) and Dr Arianto Patunru (ANU). Research topic: Political economy of rice policy in Indonesia: a perspective on ASEAN Economic Community.
- Dr Muhammad Adlin Sila (State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah and Ministry of Religious Affairs) and Associate Professor Gregory Fealy (ANU). Research topic: Listening to the voice inside, from violent extremism to moderate religiosity: a case study from Bima of Sumbawa, Indonesia.
- Dr Yanri Wijayanti Subronto (Universitas Gadjah Mada) and Dr Benjamin Hegarty (Deakin University and The University of Melbourne). Research topic: Coordinating HIV funding and health policy to achieve better outcomes for young men’s access to care in Jakarta.
- Dr Aditya Perdana (University of Indonesia) and Dr Benjamin Hillman (ANU). Research topic: Political parties and women’s parliamentary representation in post-Suharto Indonesia: the role of women’s wings.
- Dr Arif Wibowo (Research Institute for Inland Fisheries) and Dr Lee Baumgartner (Charles Sturt University). Research topic: Assessing the importance and effectiveness of fish passage connectivity to enhance sustainability of inland fishery resources in Indonesian river: a case study of Komering River, South Sumatera, Indonesia.
- Professor Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana (Padjajaran University) and Dr Diana Contreras-Suarez (Monash University). Research topic: Gender wage differences in Indonesia: does education mismatch matter?
- Dr Cindy Priadi (University of Indonesia) and Dr Clement Duvert (Charles Darwin University). Research topic: Identifying tracers to quantify water contamination sources and pathways in a highly urbanised catchment: the case of Ciliwung River.
- Dr Elan Satriawan (Gadjah Mada University/TNP2K) and Professor Robert Hoffmann (RMIT University). Research topic: Discouraging dishonest behavior in self-targeting social protection program selection: an artefactual field experiment in Indonesia.
- Mr Haryono P Kamase (University of Tadulako) and Dr Harun (University of Canberra). Research topic: An evaluation on the framework and practice of the financial management and accountability system under village decentralisation policy in Indonesia.
- Mr Ihsan Ali-Fauzi (Paramadina University) and Associate Professor Greg Fealy (ANU). Research topic: Alternative dispute resolution of religious conflict and discrimination.
- Professor Mohtar Mas’oed (Gadjah Mada University) and Dr Antje Missbach (Monash University). Research topic: Critical evaluation on Indonesia’s Presidential Regulation 125/2016 on Foreign refugees.
- Ms Rachmalina Soerachman (National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD) and Dr Jerico Franciscus Pardosi (University of New South Wales). Research topic: Constructing women’s opportunity and participation in reproductive health rights and services in rural Alor, Nusa Tenggara Timur.
- Dr Robertus Robet (Universitas Negeri Jakarta) and Dr David McRae (University of Melbourne). Research topic: Academics and elections in Indonesia: the 2014 Presidential Elections and 2017 Jakarta Gubernatorial Elections.
- Dr Wiratni Budhijanto (Gadjah Mada University) and Dr Roman Buckow (CSIRO). Research topic: Production of Omega-3 Fatty Acid (EPA) from palm oil side product using anaerobic acidogenic process.
- Dr Vid Adrison (University of Indonesia) and Dr Yogi Vidyattama (University of Canberra). Research topic: Mining licenses, land use conflict and local district head election. 2016-2017
- Dr Amalinda Savirani (Gadjah Mada University) and Professor Edward Aspinall (The Australian National University). Research topic: Jakarta at the crossroads: between programmatic and primordial politics in the 2017 gubernatorial election.
- Professor Rijal M Idrus (Hasanuddin University) and Mr Clint Cameron (Charles Darwin University). Research topic: Quantifying biodiversity benefits resultant from ecological mangrove rehabilitation of abandoned aquaculture ponds in Tiwoho (North Sulawesi).
- Dr Muthia Elma (Lambung Mangkurat University) and Dr David K Wang (The University of Queensland), with research topic: Implementation of water desalination application via inorganic based membranes technology for wetland communities in South Kalimantan.
- Mr Agus Budhiman (AP2HI) and Professor Kate Barclay (University of Technology Sydney), with research topic: Identifying key social and economic dynamics in Indonesia’s small scale tuna fisheries: a scoping study.
- Dr Luky Djanuardi Djani (Article 33 Indonesia) and Dr Anita George (James Cook University). Research topic: Toward Indonesia green economy in climate change mitigation: designing sharing-incentive scheme for sustainable peatland management.
- Professor Amitya Kumara (Gadjah Mada University) and Associate Professor David Evans (The University of Sydney). Research topic: Developing a strategy for building teacher’s capacity to support all children in pesisir Gunung Kidul.
- Dr Fritz Edward Siregar (The University of Indonesia) and Dr Melissa Crouch (The University of New South Wales). Research topic: Administrative justice in Indonesia.
- Mr Umbu Raya (Nusa Cendana University) and Professor Bruce Chapman (The Australian National University). Research topic: What are the technical and economic constraints preventing households in Indonesia’s eastern provinces from using solar cells?.
- Professor Riwanto Tirtosudarmo (Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)) and Dr Robbie Peters (The University of Sydney). Research topic: The GoJek problem: congestion, informality and innovation in urban transport in Indonesia.
- Dr Andrey Damaledo (BAPPEDA of NTT Provincial Government) and Associate Professor Andrew McWilliam (The Australian National University). Research topic: Both sides of the border: citizens, migrants and the new trans-nationalism among Indonesian in Timor-Leste.
- Mr Anggun Susilo (Brawijaya University) and Dr Yogi Vidyattama (The University of Canberra), with research topic: Sustainability policy toward water and sanitation program in East Nusa Tenggara.
- Dr Rizal Panggabean (Gadjah Mada University), Dr Zulfan Tadjoeddin (University of Western Sydney). Research topic: Why are local elections in Papua most violent?”
- Professor Rijal M Idrus (Hasanuddin University), Dr Lindsay Hutley (Charles Darwin University). Research topic: Towards an improved understanding of mangrove carbon: undertaking a carbon stock assessment of ecologically rehabilitated Indonesian mangrove forests at Tiwoho, North Sulawesi
- Dr Tri Mulyaningsih (Sebelas Maret University), Professor Anne Daly (University of Canberra). Research topic: Skill differentials and wage inequality: a study of the Indonesian labour market.
- Dr Diahhadi Setyonaluri (University of Indonesia), Dr Ariane Utomo (The Australian National University). Research topic: In, out and crossing over: sectoral variations and policy options on women’s employment.
- Dr Firman Witoelar (Survey Meter), Dr Susan Olivia (Monash University). Research topic: Cell phones and price/quality data collection.
- Dr Devanto Shasta Pratomo (Brawijaya University), Dr Kankesu Jayanthakumaran (University of Wollongong). Research topic: Do international labour migration and its remittances help migrant households moving out from poverty? Evidence from East Java.
- Dr Dendi Ramdani (University of Indonesia), Associate Professor Fiona Yap (The Australian National University. Research topic: Collective action against government corruption? Experimental research of Indonesia.
- Dr Hawis Madduppa (Bogor Agricultural University), Dr Joana Dias (University of Western Australia). Research topic: Trial of an early warning system for marine pests in the Banda Island, Moluccas.
- Dr Poppy Ismalina (Gadjah Mada University), Dr Minako Sakai (UNSW). Research topic: Building community resilience after the Merapi volcano disaster: a case study of state and private schemes for economic livelihood recovery initiatives in Central Java.
- Dr Haryo Aswicahyono (CSIS), Professor Hal Hill (ANU). Research topic: Life and death in a dynamic emerging economy: firm level evidence from Indonesia.
- Dr Aidah Husain (Hasanuddin University), Dr Naomi Gardiner (James Cook University). Research topic: Ecological assessment of coral reef fish assemblages across the Spermonde archipelago (Southern Sulawesi) to inform locally sustainable reef management initiatives.
- Professor Ronnie Natawidjaja (Padjadjaran University), Dr Anoma Ariyawardana (University of Queensland). Research topic: Horticulture commercial firm development in Indonesia.
- Dr Joko Mariyono (University of Pancasakti), Professor Tom Kompas (ANU). Research topic:Social efficiency through internalization of endogenous external costs in intensive vegetable production.
- Dr Nunung Nuryartono (Bogor Agricultural University), Dr Risti Permani (University of Adelaide). Research topic: Local milk for local schools: promoting food security by linking school milk programs (SMPs) with dairy industry development in Indonesia.
- Dr Sudi Mungkasi (Sanata Dharma University), Associate Professor Stephen Roberts (ANU). Research topic: Flood modelling and simulations involving rainfall: case studies in Indonesia.
- Dr Nulwita Maliati (University of Malikulsaleh), Associate Professor John McCarthy (ANU). Research topic: Understanding vulnerability post tsunami and conflict in Aceh.