2023 Indonesia Update: Governing urban Indonesia

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Governing urban Indonesia

Indonesia is now a majority urban country, with almost 60 per cent of the population living in urban areas. This transition brings with it challenges typical of urbanisation, such as managing garbage, flooding, traffic, and public transport.

As well as examining these issues, the conference discussed urban design and planning, the rise of gated communities, the politics of urban security, and kampung clearance and evictions. It also looked at how politics shapes urban governance, examining why some cities are pioneering better service delivery and public amenities for their citizens, while others remain mired in corruption, their streets filled with potholes.

The 2023 Indonesia update was convened by Professor Edward Aspinall from the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, The Australian National University (ANU), and Dr Amalinda Savirani from the Department of Politics and Government, Universitas Gadjah Mada. It was held in-person at ANU in Canberra and online.

About the Indonesia Update conference

The Indonesia Update is largest annual conference on Indonesian society outside of Indonesia and dates back to 1983. Held in September, it is organised by The Australian National University’s Indonesia Project, with support from ANU Department of Political and Social Change, as well as the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. ANU Indonesia Project wishes to thank The Australian National University and the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for their substantial and continuing support.

Conference program

Download the conference booklet here (50 page PDF)

  • for the program plus abstracts, bios and more

Download the conference program here (10 page PDF)

  • for a brief overview of the sessions and speakers

Dates & times

Friday 15 September 2023 to Saturday 16 September 2023

Updated:  5 December 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Services Team